MVA005 Magnetek
3G3MV-C2007 Omron
PC720P7 Saftronics
CIMR-V7AK20P7 Yaskawa
CIMR-V7CU20P74 Yaskawa
Ampérage: 5 Ampères
Tension: 230 V
Série: V7

CIMR-V7AM20P7 Yaskawa
Numéro de pièce du fabricant :
Manufacturer part number :
CIMR-V7AM20P7 Yaskawa
MVA005 Magnetek
3G3MV-C2007 Omron
PC720P7 Saftronics
CIMR-V7AK20P7 Yaskawa
CIMR-V7CU20P74 Yaskawa
1 HP, Série V7
Le V7 était un lecteur compact à faible coût et haute performance, utilisable en mode V / f ou Open Loop Vector. En plus d'une bonne régulation de la vitesse, la commande vectorielle en boucle ouverte fournissait également un couple plus élevé à des vitesses plus basses. Le V7 était idéal pour les applications telles que les convoyeurs, les broyeurs, les centrifugeuses, les pompes, les ventilateurs, les soufflantes, les machines-outils, l'emballage, le traitement des aliments et la buanderie commerciale.
Codes d'erreur
Uu (Blinking)
Explanation : UV (Mail circuit low voltage)
Main Circuit DC voltage drops below the low-voltage detection level while the drive output is OFF.
230V : Stops at main circuit DC voltage below approx. 200V (160V for sinple-phase)
460V : Stops at main circuit DC voltage below approx. 400V
Possible solutions : Check the following :
Power supply voltage
Main circuit power supply wiring is connected.
Terminal screws are securely tightened.
ou (Blinking)
Explanation : OV (Main circuit overvoltage)
Main circuit DC voltage exceeds the over voltage detection level while the drive output is OFF. Detection level : approx. 410V or more (approx. 820V for 460V class).
Possible solutions : Check the power supply voltage.
oL3 (Blinking)
Explanation : OL 3 (Overtorque detection)
Motor current exceeded the preset value in parameter N098.
Possible solutions : Reduce the load, and increase the accel/decel time.
bb (Blinking)
Explanation : BB (External baseblock)
Baseblock command at multi-function terminal is active, the drive output is shit OFF (motor coasting). Temporary condition is cleared when input command is removed.
Possible solutions : Check the external circuit (sequence)
EF (Blinking)
Explanation : EF (Simultaneous FWD/REV run commands)
When FWD and REV run commands are simultaneously input the over 500 ms, the drive stops accorcing to parameter n005.
Possible solutions : Check the external circuit (sequence).
FAN (Blinking)
Explanation : FAN (Cooling fan fault) Cooling fan is locked.
Possible solutions : Check the following :
Cooling fan
Cooling fak wiring is not disconnected.
Explanation : OC (Overcurrent)
Drive output current momenarily exceeds approx. 250% of rated current.
Causes : Short circuit at drive output side
Excessive load inertia
Extremely rapid accel/decel time (Parameters n019 to022)
Special motor used
Starting motor during coasting
Motor of a capacity greater than the drive rating has been started.
Magnetic contactor open/closed at the drive output side.
Explanation : OV (Main circuit over voltage)
Main citcuit DC voltage exceeds the overvoltage detection level because of excessive regenerative energy from the motor.
230V : Stops at main circuit DC voltage below approx. 410V.
260V : Stops at main circuit DC voltage approx. 820V. or more.
Possible solutions : Increase decel time.
Connect optional dynamic braking resistor.
Explanation : UV1 (Main circuit low voltage)
Main circuit DC voltage drops below the low-voltage detection lebel while the drive output is ON.
Possible solutions : Check the following :
Power supply voltage
Main circuit power supply wiring is connected.
Terminal screws are securely tightened.
Explanation : UV2 (Control power supply fault)
Voltage fault of control power supply is detected.
Possible solutions : Cycle power to the drive.If the fault remains, contact DMEB Service at 418-228-5984 or support@dmebservice.com
Explanation : OL1 (Motor overload)
Motor overload protection operates by built-in electronic thermal overload relay.
Possible solutions : Check the load size or V/f pattern setting (parameters n011 to n017)
Set the motor rated current shown on the nameplace in parameter n036
Explanation : OL2 (Drive overload)
Drive overload protection operates by built-in electronic thermal overload relay.
Possible solutions : Check the load size or V/f pattern setting (parameters no011 ti n017)
Check the drive capacity.
Explanation : OL3 (Overtorque detection)
V/f mode : Drive output current exceeded the preset value in parameter n098.
Open Loop Vector mode : Motor current or torque exceeded the preset value in parameters n097 and n098.
When overtorque is detected, drive performs operation according to the preset setting of parameter n096.
Possible solutions : Check the driven machine and correct the cause of the fault. Increase the value of parameter n098 up to the highest value allowed for the machine.
Explanation : EF (External fault)
Drive receives an external fault input from control circuit terminal.
EF0 : External fault reference through MODBUS communications.
EF1 : External fault input command from control circuit terminal S1.
EF2 : External fault input command from control circuit terminal S2.
EF3 : External fault input command from control circuit terminal S3.
EF4 : External fault input command from control circuit terminal S4.
EF5 : External fault input command from control circuit terminal S5.
EF6 : External fault input command from control circuit terminal S6.
EF7 : External fault input command from control circuit terminal S7.
Possible solutions : Check the external circuit (sequence)
Explanation : CPF-00
Drive cannot communicate with the digital operator for 5 sec or more when power is turner ON.
Possible solutions : Cycle power after checking the digital operator is securely mounted. If the default remains, replace the digital operator or call us 418-228-5984.
Explanation : CPF-01
Transmission fault occured for 5 sec or more when transmission starts with the digital operator.
Possible solutions : Cycle power after checking the digital operator is securely mounted. If the default remains, replace the digital operator or call us 418-228-5984.
Explanation : CPF-04
EEPROM fault or drive control circuit is detected.
Possible solutions : Record all parameter data and initialize the constants
Cycle power to the drive.
If fault remains. Contact us support@dmebservice.com
Explanation : CPF-05
A/D converter fault is detected.
Possible solutions : Cycle power.
If the fault remains, contact DMEB Service.
Explanation : CPF-06
Option card connecting fault.
Possible solutions : Remove power to the drive.
Check the connection of the digital operator.
Explanation : CPF-07
Operator control circuit (EEPROM or A/D converter) fault
Possible solutions : Cycle power after checking the digital operator is securely mounted. If the default remains, replace the digital operator or call us 418-228-5984.