Ampérage: 96 Ampères
100 HP à 575 V
75 HP à 480 V
40 HP à 240 V
30 HP à 208 V
Série: RB2

RB2-1-S-096A-13C Benshaw
Numéro de pièce du fabricant :
Manufacturer part number :
RB2-1-S-096A-13C Benshaw
100 HP at 575 V, Serial RB2
Benshaw’s RB series solid state starter combines the high performance MX2 or MX3 technology with a rugged, compact, integral bypass RB series power section. The MX2 or MX3 technology provides users with a powerful group of programming parameters, designed for flexibility in across a wide range of industrial applications. Both MX2 and MX3 controls provide simple setup and commissioning via the Quick Start Menu.
The RB power section is a rugged, heavy duty solid state starter section designed with integral bypass contactors for a compact, efficient profile. The modular design includes separate poles for each phase for ease of maintenance.
Error codes
Fault Code : F02
Description : Motor Thermal Overload Trip
Detailed Description of Fault / Possible Solutions :
Check motor for mechanical failure, jammed, or overloaded condition. and P44-P47/PFN12-PFN16,) and motor service factor setting (P2/QST02).
Verify that the motor FLA (P1/QST01) and CT ratio (P78/FUN03) are correct.
If motor OL trip occurs during starting, review acceleration ramp profile settings.
Verify that there is not an input line power quality problem or excessive line distortion present.
Fault Code : F14
Description : Input power not single phase
Detailed Description of Fault / Possible Solutions :
Three-phase power has been detected when the starter is expecting single-phase power.
Verify that input power is single phase.
Verify that single-phase power is connected to the L1 and L3 inputs. Correct wiring if necessary.
Verify that the SCR gate wires are properly connected to the MX2 control card.
Fault Code : F15
Description : Input power not three phase
Detailed Description of Fault / Possible Solutions :
Single-phase power has been detected when the starter is expecting three-phase power.
Verify that input power is three phase. Correct wiring if necessary.
Verify that the SCR gate wires are properly connected to the MX2 control card.
On medium voltage systems, verify wiring of the voltage feedback measurement circuit.
Fault Code : F27
Description : Phase Loss
Detailed Description of Fault / Possible Solutions :
The MX2 has detected the loss of one or more input or output phases when the starter was running. Can also be caused by line power dropouts.
Check input supply for open fuses.
Check power supply wiring for open or intermittent connections.
Check motor wiring for open or intermittent connections.
On medium voltage systems, verify wiring of the voltage feedback measurement circuit.
Check Gate and Cathode connections to MX2 card.
Fault Code : F31
Description : Overcurrent
Detailed Description of Fault / Possible Solutions :
Motor current exceeded the Over Current Trip Level setting (P32/PFN01) for longer than the Over Current Trip Delay Time setting (P33/PFN02).
Check motor for a jammed or an overload condition.
Fault Code : F34
Description : Undercurrent
Detailed Description of Fault / Possible Solutions :
Motor current dropped under the Under Current Trip Level setting (P26/PFN03) for longer than the Under Current Trip Delay time setting (P27/PFN04).
Check system for cause of under current condition.
Fault Code : F37
Description : Current Imbalance
Detailed Description of Fault / Possible Solutions :
A current imbalance larger than the Current Imbalance Trip Level parameter setting (P36/PFN05) was present for longer than ten (10) seconds.
Check motor wiring for cause of imbalance. (Verify dual voltage and 6 lead motors for correct wiring configuration).
Check for large input voltage imbalances that can result in large current imbalances.
Check motor for internal problems.
Fault Code : F38
Description : Ground Fault
Detailed Description of Fault / Possible Solutions :
Ground current above the Ground Fault Trip level setting (P37/PFN06) has been detected for longer than 3 seconds.
Check motor wiring for ground faults.
Check motor for ground faults.
Megger motor and cabling (disconnect from starter before testing).
Verify that the motor FLA (P1/QST01) and CT ratio (P78/FUN03) settings are correct.
Verify that the CTs are installed with all the White dots towards the input line.
In Single phase applications, verify that only two CTs are being used; that they are installed with all the White dots or Xs in the correct direction; and that the CTs are connected to the L1 and L3 CT inputs on the MX2 control card.
Fault Code : F40
Description : Shorted / Open SCR
Detailed Description of Fault / Possible Solutions :
A shorted or open SCR condition has been detected.
Verify that all SCR gate leads wires are properly connected at the SCR devices and the MX2 control card.
Check all SCRs with ohmmeter for shorts.
Verify that the Input Phase Sensitivity parameter setting (P77/FUN04) is correct.
Verify that the Starter Type parameter setting (P74/FUN07) is correct.
Verify the motor wiring. (Verify dual voltage motors for correct wiring configuration).
Fault Code : F46
Description : Disconnect Fault
Detailed Description of Fault / Possible Solutions :
A signal on the disconnect digital input was not present when a start was commanded.
Verify that disconnect feedback wiring is correct.
Verify that the disconnect is not faulty.
Fault Code : F48
Description : Bypass /2M Contactor Fault
Detailed Description of Fault / Possible Solutions :
An incorrect bypass feedback has been detected for longer than the Bypass Confirm time parameter setting (P64/ I/O17).
Verify that the bypass/2M contactor coil and feedback wiring is correct.
Verify that the relay connected to the bypass/2M contactor(s) is programmed as the UTS function.
Verify that the bypass/2M contactor power supply is present.
Verify that the appropriate Digital Input Configuration parameter has been programmed correctly.
Verify that the bypass contactor(s) are not damaged or faulty.
Fault Code : F81
Description : Keypad Communication Fault
Detailed Description of Fault / Possible Solutions :
Indicates that communication has been lost with the remote keypad. (This fault normally occurs if the remote keypad is disconnected while the MX2 control card is powered up. Only connect and disconnect a remote keypad when the control power is off).
Verify that the remote keypad cable has not been damaged and that its connectors are firmly seated at both the keypad and the MX2 control card.
Verify that the display interface card (when present) is firmly attached to MX2 control card.
Route keypad cables away from high power and/or high noise areas to reduce possible electrical noise pickup.
Alarm codes
Alarm Code : A02
Description : Motor Overload Alarm
Note : This occurs when the motor thermal content reaches the 90%. The MX2 trips when it reaches 100%. The alarm continues until the overload trip lockout is reset.
Alarm Code : A27
Description : Phase Loss
Note : This alarm exists while the MX2 is running and a phase loss condition is detected, but the delay for the fault has not yet expired. When the delay expires, a Fault 27 occurs.
Alarm Code : A28
Description : No Line
Note : This alarm exists while the MX2 needs to be synchronized or is trying to sync to the line and no line is detected.
Alarm Code : A31
Description : Overcurrent
Note : This alarm exists while the MX2 is running and the average current is above the defined threshold, but the delay for the fault has not yet expired. When the delay expires, a Fault 31 occurs.
Alarm Code : A34
Description : Undercurrent
Note : This alarm exists while the MX2 is running and the average current is below the defined threshold, but the delay for the fault has not yet expired. When the delay expires, a Fault 34 occurs.
Alarm Code : A37
Description : Current Imbalance
Note : This alarm exists while the MX2 is running and a current imbalance above the defined threshold is detected, but the delay for the fault has not yet expired. When the delay expires, a Fault 37 occurs.
Alarm Code : A38
Description : Ground Fault
Note : This alarm exists while the MX2 is running and a ground current above the defined threshold is detected, but the delay for the fault has not yet expired. When the delay expires, a Fault 38 occurs.