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SGDB-05ADG Yaskawa

Cross references: SGDB-05VN Yaskawa SGDB-05VD Yaskawa SGDB-05VDY1 Yaskawa SGDB-05VNY1 Yaskawa SGDB-05ADB Yaskawa Voltage: 200 V Serial: Sigma I (SGDB) CANADA YASKAWA AUTHORIZED SERVICE CENTRE

Numéro de pièce du fabricant : 


Manufacturer part number : 



SGDB-05ADG Yaskawa


SGDB-05VN Yaskawa

SGDB-05VD Yaskawa 


SGDB-05VDY1 Yaskawa


SGDB-05VNY1 Yaskawa


SGDB-05ADB Yaskawa


0.5 kW , Serial Sigma I (SGDB) 


Error codes





A.00     Fault name : Absolute data error.

           Meaning : Absolute data fails to be received, or received absolute data is abnormal.

           Remarks : For absolue encoder only.


A.02    Fault name : Parameter breakdown.

          Meaning : Checksum results of parameters are abnormal.


A.04    Fault name : Parameter setting error.

          Meaning : The parameter setting is outside the allowable setting range.


A.10    Fault name : Overcurrent.

          Meaning : An overcurrent flowed through the power transistor.


A.30    Fault name : Detection or regenerative error.

          Meaning : Regenerative circuit is faulty.


A.31    Fault name : Position error pulse overflow.

          Meaning : Position error pulse has exceeded the value set in parameter Cn-1E (overflow).


A.40    Fault name : Main circuit voltage error detection.

          Meaning : Main circuit voltage is abnormal.


A.51    Fault name : Overspeed.

          Meaning : Rotation speed of the motor has exceeded detection level.

          Remarks : Detection level= Maximum rotation speed x1.1 or x1.2


A.71    Fault name : Overloaded (high load).

          Meaning : The motor has running for several seconds to several tens of seconds under a torque largely exceeding rating.


A.72    Fault name : Overloaded (low load).

          Meaning : The motor was running continuously under a torque largely exceeding ratings.


A.80    Fault name : Absolute encoder error.

          Meaning : The number of pulses per absolute encoder revolution is abnormal.

          Remarks : For absolute encoder only.


A.81    Fault name : Absolute encoder backup error.

          Meaning : All three power supplies for the absolute encoder (+5 V, battery and internal capacitor) have failes.

          Remarks : For 12 bit absolute encoder only.


A.82    Fault name : Absolute encoder checksum error.

          Meaning : The checksum results of absolute encoder memory is abnormal.

          Remarks : For 12 bit absolute encoder only.


A.83    Fault name : Absolute encoder battery error.

          Meaning : Battery voltage for the absolute encoder is abnormal.

          Remarks : For 12 bit absolute encoder only.


A.84   Fault name : Absolute encoder data error.

          Meaning : Received absolute data is abnormal.

          Remarks : For 12 bit absolute encoder only.


A.85    Fault name : Absolute encoder overspeed.

          Meaning : The motor was running at a speed exceeding 400 min-1 when the absolute encoder was turned ON.

          Remarks : For 12 bit absolute encoder only.


A.99     Fault name : Not an error

            Meaning : Normal operation status.


A.A1    Fault name : Heat sink overheated.

          Meaning : Heat sink of SERVOPACK was overheated.


A.b1   Fault name : Reference input read error.

          Meaning : SERVOPACK CPU failed to detect reference input.


A.C1   Fault name : Servo overun detected.

          Meaning : The servomotor (encoder) ran out of control.


A.C2   Fault name : Encoder output phase error.

          Meaning : Phase A, B and C output by the encoder are abnormal.


A.C3   Fault name : Encoder A-, B- phase disconnection.

          Meaning : Wiring in encoder phase A or B is disconnected.


A.C4    Fault name : Encoder C- phase disconnection.

          Meaning : Wiring in encoder phases C is disconnected.


A.F1    Fault name : Power lines open phase.

          Meaning : One phase is not connected in the main power supply.


A.F3    Fault name : Power loss error.

          Meaning : A power interruption exceeding one cycle occurred in AC power supply.

          Remarks : Only when bit 5 of Cn-01 set to 1.




CPF00 :   Fault name : Digital operator transmission error 1.

              Meaning : Digital operator fails to communicate with SERVOPACK even five seconds after power is turned ON.

              Remarks : These alarms are not stored in alarm trace-back memory.


CPF01 :   Fault name : Digital operator transmission error2.

              Meaning : Transmission error has occured five consecutive times.

              Remarks : These alarms are not stored in alarm trace-back memory.





SGDB-05VN Yaskawa
SGDB-05VD Yaskawa
SGDB-05VDY1 Yaskawa
SGDB-05VNY1 Yaskawa
SGDB-05ADB Yaskawa

Tension: 200 V
Série: Sigma I (SGDB)


SGDB-05ADG Yaskawa

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