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SGDH-3GDE Yaskawa

Cross references: SGDH-3GDE-OY Omron Voltage: 400 V Serial: Sigma II (SGDH) CANADA YASKAWA AUTHORIZED SERVICE CENTRE

Numéro de pièce du fabricant : 


Manufacturer part number : 

SGDH-3GDE Yaskawa


SGDH-3GDE Yaskawa 






37.0 kW , Serial Sigma II (SGDH) 


Error codes





A.02    Alarm name : Parameter Breakdown

           Description : EEPROM date of servo amplifier is abnormal.


A.03     Alarm name : Main Circuit Detection Error

           Description : Detection data for power circuit is abnormal.


A.04    Alarm name : Parameter Setting Error

           Description : The parameter setting is outside the allowable setting range.


A.05    Alarm name : Servomotor and Amplifier Combination Error 

           Description : Servo amplifier and servomotor capacities do not match each other.


A.10    Alarm name : Overcurrent of Heat Sink Overheated

                Description : An overcurrent flowed through the IGBT.

                              Heat sink of servo amplifier was overheated.


A.30    Alarm name : Regeneration Error Detected

           Description : Regenerative circuit is faulty.

                               Regenerative resistor is faulty.


A.32    Alarm name : Regenerative Overload

           Description : Regenerative energy exceeds regenerative resistor capacity.


A.40    Alarm name : Overvoltage

           Description : Main circuit DC voltage is excessively high.


A.41    Alarm name : Undervoltage

           Description : Main circuit DC voltage is excessively low.


A.51     Alarm name : Overspeed

            Description : Rotational speed of the motor is excessively high.


A.71     Alarm name : Overload : High Load

            Description : The motor has operating for several seconds to several tens of seconds under a torque largely exceeding ratings.


A.72     Alarm name : Overload : Low Load

            Description : The motor has operating continuously under a torque exceeding ratings.


 A.73     Alarm name : Dynamic Brake Overload

             Description : When the dynamic brake was applied, rotational energy exceeded the capacity of dynamic brake resistor.


A.74     Alarm name : Overload of Surge Current Limit Resistor

            Description : The main circuit power was frequently turned ON and OFF.


A.7A      Alarm name : Heat Sink Overheated

                   Description : The heat sink of servo amplifier overheated.


A.81       Alarm name : Absolute Encoder Backup Error

              Description : All the power supplies for the absolute encoder have failed and position data was cleared.


A.82        Alarm name : Encoder Checksum Error

               Description : The chesksum results of encoder memory is abnormal.


A.83        Alarm name : Absolute Encodeur Battery Error

               Description : Battery voltage for the absolute encoder has dropped.


A.84        Alarm name : Absolute Encoder Date Error

               Description : Received absolute data is abnormal.


A.85        Alarm name : Absolute Encoder Overspeed

               Description : The encoder was rotating at high speed when the power was turned ON.


A.86        Alarm name : Encoder Overheated

               Description : The internal temperature of encoder is too high.


A.b1         Alarm name : Reference Speed Input Read Error 

                Description : The A/D converter for reference speed input is faulty.


A.b2         Alarm name : Reference Torque Input Read Error

                Description : The A/D converter for reference torque input is faulty.


A.bF         Alarm name : System Alarm

                Description : A system error occured in the servo amplifier.



A.C1        Alarm name : Servo Overrun Detected

               Description : The servomotor ran out of control.


A.B8        Alarm name : Absolute Encoder Clear Error and Multi-Turn Limit Setting Error

               Description : The multi-turn for the absolute encoder was not properly cleared or set.


A.C9        Alarm name : Encoder Communications Error  

               Description : Communications between servo amplifier and encoder is not possible.


A.CA        Alarm name : Encoder Parameter Error

               Description :  Encoder parameter are faulty.


A.Cb         Alarm name : Encoder Echoback Error

                Description : Contents of communications with encoder is incorrect.


A.CC         Alarm name : Multi-Turn Limit Disagreement

                Description : Different multi-turn limits have been set in the encoder and servo amplifier.


A.d0         Alarm name : Position Error Pulse Overflow

                Description : Position error pulse exceeded parameter (Pn505).


A.E7         Alarm name : Option Unit Detection Error

               Description : Option unit detection fails.


A.F1          Alarm name : Power Line Open Phase

                 Description : One phase is not connected in the main power supply.


CPF00        Alarm name : Digital Operator Transmission Error

                 Description : Digital operator (JUSP-OP02A-2) fails to communicate with servo amplifier (e.g., CPU error)


CPF01        Alarm name : Digital Operator Transmission Error

                 Description : Digital operator (JUSP-OP02A-2) fails to communicate with servo amplifier (e.g., CPU error)


A.--            Alarm name : Not an error

                  Description : Normal operation status.


A.09           Alarm name : Dividing ratio setting error.

                  Cause 1 : The setting of dividing ratio (Pn212) is not acceptable (out of fixed increments), or exceeds the value of the connected encoder resolution.

                  Corrective Actions : Correct the setting of Pn212, and turn OFF the control power and turn it ON again.

                   Cause 2 : When a linear motor is connected : A value higher than the allowable maximum diviging ration calculated on the base of the linear motor maximum speed was set in Pn281.

                    Corrective actions : Check Un010, and correct the setting. Turn OFF the control power and turn it ON again to enable the new setting.


A.0A           Alarm name : Encoder model unmatched

                  Cause : The mounted serial encoder is not supported by ∑-││ series servo amplifier.

                  Corrective Actions : Replace the servomotor with ∑-││ series servo amplifier supported model.


 A.55           Alarm name : Linear motors Max. speed setting error

                   Cause : When a linear motor is connected. A value higher than the linear motor maximum speed is set in Pn384.

                   Corrective Actions : Reduce the setting in Pn384 to the linear motor maximum speed or less.


A.b3            Alarm name : Current detection error

                   Cause : The current sensor is faulty, or the servomotor is disconnected.

                   Corrective Actions : Check the servomotor power line wiring. Replace the servo amplifier.


A.F5            Alarm name : Servomotor disconnection alarm

                   Cause : The detected toque is 10% or less, but the commanded torque reference is 90% or more for 10 ms. This alarm is not activated in cases of BB due to hardware issues. In those cases, an A.F6 or A.b3 is generated instead.

                   Corrective Actions : Check the servomotor power line wiring. Replace the servo amplifier.


A.F6            Alarm name : Servomotor disconnection alarm

                  Cause : The detected toque is 10% or less, but the commanded torque reference is 90% or more for 10 ms. This alarm is not activated in cases of BB due to hardware issues. In those cases, an A.F6 or A.b3 is generated instead.

                   Corrective Actions : Check the servomotor power line wiring. Replace the servo amplifier.


A.91             Warning name : Overload

                    Meaning of warning : This warning occurs before either of the overload alarms (A.71 or A.72) occurs. If the warning is ignored and operation continues, an overload alarm may result.


A.92             Warning name : Regenerative Overload

                    Meaning of warning : This warning occurs before the regenerative overload alarm (A032) occurs. If the warning is ignored and operation continues, a regenerative overload alarm may result.


A.90              Warning name : Excessive position error warning

                     Cause : The position errors exceed the setting in Pn51E.

                     Corrective Actions : Reduce the position errors to the value of Pn51E or less to restore automatically.






Tension: 400 V
Série: Sigma 2 (SGDH)


SGDH-3GDE Yaskawa

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