Maintenance of Drive and Soft-Starter Fans

Not that many people know that taking care of the maintenance of electronics on a regular basis can save a lot of unexpected shutdowns and also save a significant amount of money in the short and long term. For example, the built-in fan of drives, softstarters and other industrial electronics should get your attention. When used in an industrial environment (dusty environment for instance), fans should be replaced every 5 years. After five years, fans lose a lot of their efficiency to cool down electronics because of the accumulation of dust.

At DMEB Service, we are experts in the cleaning, replacement and maintenance of fans. We can provide you with the right replacement part. We can also teach you how to maintain your equipment on a regular basis. When we receive your electronics, we inspect the whole unit (drive, soft-starter, electronic board, etc.) and we also inspect each electronic component separately. We also clean each part with compressed air and we can offer you tropicalization services. Just give us a ring (418-228-5984) or send us an email

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DMEB Service inc. / EBI Electric inc.
2250, 90e Rue, Saint-Georges (Qc) G5Y 7J7
Phone number: 418-228-5984
Fax: 418-228-5918


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